Jon Kruse | How to start a clothing company - Part 3
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About Jon Kruse

I run this blog and have a web development company called Double Dragon Studios. Send us an email if you are looking for any web work to be done.
  • Storenvy

Storenvy Review 2013

Categories: Business, E-commerce, Starting Out|

Storenvy has made a lot of changes since my original review so I thought it would be good to go back and give them another review. They have made some good improvements with a responsive theme and better marketplace but there are still better options for someone starting a clothing line.

  • Golden Rule

The Golden Rule – treat your customers right

Categories: Business, Starting Out|

I've been rereading Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich and it is an amazing wealth of knowledge for anyone starting a clothing line. One thing he focuses on is the Golden Rule: One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.

  • Shopify Logo

Shopify Review 2013

Categories: E-commerce, Starting Out|

If you run a clothing line Shopify is perfect for beginners and experts alike. You don’t need to have any technical or design experience to easily create a beautiful online store. Simply choose a stylish ecommerce website design, easily customize your online store, add products, and you’re pretty much ready to accept payments. Plans start at $14 and comes with a free no risk 30 day trial period and is a perfect match for business owners that want to start a clothing line.

  • Clothing Line Copyright

How to copyright t-shirt designs

Categories: Business, Legal|

I get this question a lot. How do I copyright my t shirt design so no one can steal my designs from my clothing line? This article goes through all the legal information and what steps you need to take to fight someone in court.

  • T-Shirt Tags for Clothing Companies

The best t-shirt tag designs

Categories: Design, Featured|

One of the most overlooked details in starting your own clothing line is the t-shirt tags. When I say tags, I am specifically talk about the tags hidden away on the inside of your shirt. The tag that never sees the light of day, and is usually an afterthought. So after coming across some incredibly creative tags that in my mind add value and personality to a brand I decided to put together a list of companies that do an incredible job with their custom tags.

Protect your wordpress website from being hacked by TimThumb

Categories: E-commerce, Uncategorized|

Been dealing with a ton of problems lately with malicious content getting onto my wordpress sites and making everything run slowly. All of this could have been prevented to. I heard of the security issue with the old TimThumb script but didn't do anything about it. Nothing was wrong with my websites so why would I need to change anything....

  • Linty Fresh Craft Show

Clothing line tips for Craft Shows

Categories: Marketing|

Eric Terry from Linty Fresh gives tips on getting your clothing line ready for craft shows.

How To Get Your Cool T-Shirts Reviewed by a T-Shirt Blog

Categories: Marketing|

Getting your clothing line on a t-shirt blog is a big step towards increasing the traffic to your site and getting sales. This article explains the proper etiquette in asking a blogger to review your store.

How To Start a T-Shirt Business – FAIL

Categories: Inspirational, Starting Out|

I love this short video from Tom Peters. It is important to actually DO things. We need to get the ball rolling make mistakes and learn from them. Business isn't suited for the timid or the lazy. How to start your own clothing line.

  • Johnny Cupcakes

Johnny Cupcakes Interview

Categories: Designers, Inspirational, Interviews, Starting Out, Store Owners|

Johnny Cupcakes give a lecture in Chicago about his clothing company.

  • How to Promote Your Blog Post

How to promote your blog posts

Categories: Marketing|

Before I get into how to promote your blog posts for your clothing linelet's talk about the blog post itself. I feel like a lot of times people spend more time trying to promote their blog posts then actually working on the blog post. You need to write great content that your audience wants to read and share. What is your audience into? How can you captivate them? If you can't answer these questions then you need to take some time and really understand who you're customer is.

  • Taxes in Clothing Business

Taxes for clothing companies. Are you ready?

Categories: Business, Taxes|

April 15th is right around the corner. Are you prepared to file taxes for your clothing company? The biggest stress I have ever gotten is from tax season and not knowing how to prepare my taxes. Let me tell you from experience, avoiding the issue and waiting till the last minute doesn't work. You need to be prepared and have your books up to date with all your businesses financial transactions.

  • Ugmonk

10 best Bigcartel store examples

Categories: Design, E-commerce, Uncategorized|

I recently wrote an in depth review on big cartel for clothing lines and thought it would be nice to also showcase the best bigcartel store examples. These sites stand out from the rest and really push what can be done in bigcartel. Custom slideshows, layouts, type, and menus all come together to make these sites stand out from the rest and make them the best bigcartel stores.

  • Big Cartel

Big cartel Review 2013

Categories: E-commerce|

In depth big cartel review for 2013. The pros and cons to working with big cartel as your e-commerce solution. Big cartel is easy to use but has doesn't have all the features other e-commerce solutions have.

Visual editor not working wordpress 3.5.1 Quick Fix

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I've been having this problem in wordpress 3.5.1 and spent a bit of time trying to figure out what was wrong. When I am creating a new post or page the visual editor in wordpress [...]

  • Entrepreneur

Entreprenuership: The good the bad and the ugly

Categories: Inspirational, Starting Out|

I love being an entrepreneur. It has been the biggest life changing experience but it wasn't always easy. I had just graduated from Cal State Northridge with a bachelors in design at the beginning of [...]

Updated HTSACC, do you want any changes?

Categories: News|

I've done a bad job of categorizing each post so I went in and changed everything that was set to uncategorized and put it where it is supposed to be. I'm trying to make this [...]

  • Outright

Outright, help with your book keeping and taxes

Categories: Business, Taxes|

When I started a clothing company I didn't think about all the work that went into keeping track of all my expenses and income and how much of a pain in the ass it would [...]